What mountain makes you feel...

"Seeing so explicitly that a wrong step can imply giving up the experience of having a physical body, makes you think twice, before taking it, with what attitude you are going to execute it, makes you fully trust in the wisdom of your body, climbing a mountain seems to me to be the perfect middle point between relaxing and trusting, and being alert and directing.

The mountain is a very evident point of contact between our physical fragility and our greatness, of spirit. It is a place where, covered in clothes, we can nakedly navigate our experience as humans.

Having the right guide, the right equipment, the honest and willing group of friends, makes the whole experience complete. All this is brought together by Ricardo Lugo, the best mountain guide that life has synchronously presented to me."

- Paulina Corte

“The mountains are the place where my being finds a state of absolute presence, where each step towards the top requires a perfect connection between heart, head, breathing and movement.

Walking them, feeling them, listening to them, smelling them, suffering and enjoying them, returning sore in body and restored in soul are the exact definition of freedom. It is there where the best ideas are born, where the greatest fears remain, where the strongest messages arrive.

Thank you Ricardo for pushing me to climb higher , steadier and safer each time.”

- Mon Sota

"Thank you for being a great guide and company to climb each mountain. Both in Iztaccíhuatl and in Pico de Orizaba you were a key piece in reaching the goal. Teaching us that every step is valuable, that everything depends on patience and calm was essential to reach the top.

“Step by step you will arrive”: thank you for giving me that phrase that I have translated into my daily life. Without a doubt, the mountain is a great teacher and you are the link that connects us with its teachings. Thanks again."

- Pau Osorio

"I had the best day of my life during my ascent to Pico de Orizaba in November 2019. After a bad experience in the mountains, for a long time I was afraid to return to mountaineering. Thanks to Ricardo, his prior advice and during my ascent, I had the security and confidence I needed to conquer the summit not only of this mountain, but of my own demons.

Today I am a lover of this beautiful sport and I have new summits in mind, always with Mexico Volcanoes help."

- Hernán Junco

"Reaching the top is an achievement, both internal and external, rewarded by wonderful scenery that never ceases to amaze you. However, when you look back at the mountain, and can't believe you were able to climb those heights, you realize that the top is only half the way.

Thank you for the excellent guidance you have given me throughout this process!"

- Ali Watson

"What we experienced in Iztaccíhuatl and the Pico de Orizaba was a movie adventure. There are times when we don't realize how small we are in front of these gigantic mountains.

Thanks Mexico Volcanoes for making us experience that emotion of reaching the summit and knowing that we can achieve what we set out to do.

Thank you for guiding such an experience and for making it clear to us that the mind commands that your goals be met with orders from the heart."

- Raúl Castruita

"Being in front of the immense and imposing volcanic formation such as the Pico de Orizaba is an incredible experience. I began by contemplating the stage, reflecting on the silence, the nerve, the self-doubts and at the same time the excitement of being there about to make the attempt to go up.

Along the way I had a strong mental battle where I had to constantly dialogue with myself and overcome thoughts of doubt, where Ricardo and his team were a key piece in unblocking my mind and continuing step by step. As I moved forward I gained strength and filled with confidence, the scenery invited reflection, the glacier took me to mentally be in places I have never been and get to know myself there.

Thank you Mexico Volcanoes for taking me to the summit, in addition to having done it professionally, taking all the care and having felt safe at all times, everything that was around the experience, logistics, meals, stays and mainly the coexistence between staff and the group of friends who went for this incredible experience that I will always carry with me. See you on the next mountain!"

- Edgardo "Gallo" Garza

"Pico de Orizaba, a majestic mountain that you love and hate at the same time with every step to the summit. I learned things about myself that the mountain taught me and you only discover it by climbing and living it. I ended up with a broken body but a rejuvenated soul.

Thank you Ricardo Lugo for guiding us to this experience that I will remember forever."

- Andres Martinez de la Garza

“Climbing Pico de Orizaba is not only a matter of being physically and mentally prepared, you also need good leadership.

Lugo was a true leader with our group, he always took care of us and guided us to the top. That was the greatest value I took from climbing with Mexico Volcanoes, their professionalism and leadership to ensure everyone arrived safely and enjoyed the journey.”

- Rorro Echavez, conferencista

“Too many learnings are experienced in a single day, a unique experience. There are many emotions that are experienced when reaching the summit of Izta and Pico and enjoying the incredible views that we have along the way.

I tried to enjoy every step, put an intention along the way, stop, admire what I saw around me and the people who were there. It reminded me how important it is to appreciate and be grateful. To overcome fears and mental limits and it reminded me to want to live and enjoy every moment: to live today, because we don't know tomorrow.

Despite the cold, the discomfort, the uncertainty, the panic, the falls, the fatigue, I would do it again.

It is demanding and with challenging conditions, fortunately both days were perfect to climb, especially for the peace of mind of having guides with the best experience to give us security and peace of mind not only to climb, but also to safely reach the true summit: where we start.

They thought about all the details prior to arrival, on the day of the climb, they motivated and guided us at every moment so as not to put a foot wrong and they taught us to enjoy the charm of the climb despite the conditions and discomforts.

Thank you Lugo, if I return, it would definitely be in your hands.”

- Balbina Garza

“Going guided when you have experience always comes into question, but going to mountains there is always danger due to the unpredictability of a mountain. I have gone from Orizaba to Aconcagua with this company and I have never regretted it.

Mexico Volcanes has a pure cool guide, with whom you will be safe and integrate with the group. Aconcagua is something that I recommend to any mountaineer, a mountain that we all have to do and what better than being guided by a company that already knows everything.

Don't take the risk and go with a company as cool as Mexico Volcanes.”

- Patricio Garibay

“My experience with Mexico Volcanoes was great, we did a 12-day expedition in Bolivia, they hired super professional and prepared local guides, at all times they gave me a lot of security and had everything prepared with an impressive level of detail, from the meals, the camps, the transfers.

Thank you for helping me live an unforgettable adventure, to feel stronger and supporting me to reach each peak, without you, it would not have been possible.”

- Mónica De Martino
